Veterans Day 2024-2025
Prattville Intermediate is excited about having a Child Youth Behavioral (also known as CYB) counselor with the Military & Family Life Counseling Program (MFLC) on staff. The MFLC pilot program started in May 2004 in Germany with a team of four counselors as a response to Army resources being challenged due to extended deployments in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The program has expanded to serve all military branches to address the day-to-day stressors of military life and the impact of deployment and reintegration on families.Non-medical short-term counseling services are free of charge and are meant to complement, support, and augment existing military support services. Counselors provide support, psycho-education, and coping skills through formal and informal meetings with individual students and through group presentations.
Examples may include self-esteem issues with your child, bullying, behavioral problems, deployment and reunion events, relationships with their peers and family members, as well as the stressors of divorce and blended families, grief, and problem solving, such as time management and making good choices through difficult situations.
Counselors maintain confidentiality but are obligated to report cases where there is a threat to self or others and child abuse. As well, counselors do not diagnose or provide treatment; thus, do not report or record any personal identifying information of the service member or family.
Interested? Parental consent is required. Complete and submit the attached consent form. Go, Cougars!
MFLC Parent Consent Forms
HOUSE Ambassadors
(Student2Student Group)
Our HOUSE Ambassador program is a student led organization sponsored by Kim Carpenter (5th Grade Teacher) and Taylor Moorer (6th Grade Teacher). This group of students will help you as you transition to Prattville Intermediate School. Each classroom has a HOUSE Ambassador that is trained to help you learn about and adjust to your new school. Please contact kimberly.carpenter@acboe.net or taylor.moorer@acboe.net if you have any questions about this program.

Important Dates to Remember:
- February 12th: Digital Progress Reports
- February 14th: HOUSE Day/Homeroom Valentine's Parties
- February 17th: Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
- March 3-7th: Read Across America Week
- March 7th: Early Dismissal for Students
- March 14th: Digital Report Cards